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Newcastle Selective Schools Tutoring Examination Preparation

Achieve success in Newcastle’s Selective Schools with expert tutoring that strengthens thinking skills, creativity, and confidence. Tailored one-on-one or group sessions prepare students for the exam and beyond.

Or Call 0408 692 045

Selective Schools are the power houses for developing high academic achievers.

Preparation for success in these schools is not simply a matter of basic skills for good students. The examination aims to select the brightest of bright students. Extension work preparing students for the Selective Schools examination and beyond must extend their thinking skills and creativity. It’s not just a matter of work ethic, memory and convergent focus on a single ‘right answer.’

All primary school students need solid basics as a platform for later success, building these will develop confidence and encourage growth and creativity.

The speed and difficulty of work covered in a Selective School environment can mean that even gifted students may encounter some difficulties if they don’t have a very solid academic grounding and strong self-confidence.

Our approach in preparing students for Selective School entry examination is to focus beyond the examination itself and to also equip students with the problem-solving and thinking skills that will carry them confidently through their first years in the Selective Schools environment.

We also believe that learning should be fun and develop positive interpersonal skills. Small group classes can be used to improve cooperative problem-solving and a student culture of supporting and encouraging each other in their learning. An essential aspect of our approach to preparation for the examination itself, involves intensive practice and instruction in examination techniques. We feel however, that it is not enough to simply assist our students to work through the doorway created by this examination, as they must be equipped to flourish once they are in the actual Selective Schools environment.

This cooperative approach has long-term benefits both for the student’s well-being in school and to move confidently forward on their educational journey.

Once students have entered a Selective School, we often find they continue their educational journey through ongoing tutoring at Arrendell Secondary Education Centre. This supports their goal for academic success and further study or workplace achievements.

Selective School Tutors Newcastle
How Are We Different?

We help our students build confidence, self-esteem & enthusiasm.

Our focus is on making learning enjoyable, so that they engage more, and in turn deliver better results.

Selective Schools Classes

Individual Lessons


Small Group Workshops

90min or 2hr

Holiday School Workshops

2 hours x 3 days. Total of 6 hours.

*These usually run during school holidays over several days ( eg 2 days ( 2×90 min per day ) total 6 hours )

Getting Started

Improving your grades & learning ability with Arrendell Secondary Education Centre is a simple 3 step process

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Step 1:

Book Your Free

Contact us to book a free appointment, discuss your student’s learning needs, and understand where we can help them thrive.

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Step 2:

Get Matched With
Your Teacher

We pair your student with the tutor that’s right for them, who we know is going to help them excel in their chosen subject.

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Step 3:

Start Your Educational
Success Journey

Watch them grow their confidence in their subject, build positive learning habits, and start their pathway to personal excellence.

Contact Us

Book Your Free

See the difference that the right tutoring can make in your child’s education. Get in touch with us today to discuss how Arrendell Secondary Education Centre can help them thrive.

Call 0408 692 045

Office Hours

Monday – Friday: 10am-7pm
Saturday / Sunday: By Appointment Only

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