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Selective Schools

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Selective Schools and Scholarship Exam Preparation

HSC high achievers come from a variety of school contexts.

Children are diverse individuals and they mature at different rates. Some children who seem very average during the middle school years become outstanding achievers in the HSC or at University.

While some students benefit from the extended opportunities offered in Selective Schools, others find the competitive atmosphere overpowering. Research over many years has shown that students in Selective Schools have poorer self-confidence than those in mainstream schools.

Despite this, however, many students love their years in Selective High Schools and benefit from the more open-ended and challenging approach to learning offered in many of these schools.

Entry into these schools and to many private schools (via scholarships) is based on formal examinations held when students are in year 6.

Tutoring organisations have traditionally prepared students for their exams by focussing on exam practice and ‘ skill drill’.

Until 2021, this approach was reasonably likely to assist bright students with a good work ethic and strong memory skills to pass the exam and gain entry to a selective school.

The problem with this approach was that many students who entered the Selective High School, then suffered years of stress and a sense of failure because they had not been equipped with the thinking skills required for success in such a context.

Also, students who failed to gain entry saw years of hard work wasted and experienced poor self-esteem and loss of confidence as a result.

In 2021, The NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) changed the format of the exam to reflect their aim of selecting the brightest of the bright students in NSW through an increased focus on problem-solving, creative thinking and advanced logic in the exam.

Selective School Tutors Newcastle
How Are We Different?

We help our students build confidence, self-esteem & enthusiasm.

Our focus is on making learning enjoyable, so that they engage more, and in turn deliver better results.

How Are We Different?

We help our students build confidence, self-esteem & enthusiasm.

Our focus is on making learning enjoyable, so that they engage more, and in turn deliver better results.

Meet Our Tutors

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Lessons are held online, in your home, in the teacher’s home, public spaces such as libraries.

Who Do We Teach?

We work with small selected groups or individual students, this allows us to connect with the children in our care and to enhance their individual progress.

Home Groups

We have had a lot of success in recent years with small group lessons held in family homes. Students from the local area can then avoid driving long distances and can work in a friendly, relaxed environment.

The host parent receives a discounted rate as thanks for sharing their home. The teacher drives to the home and this cuts stress, traffic congestion and frustration for all involved.

Selective Schools Classes

Individual Lessons


Small Group Workshops

90min or 2hr

Holiday School Workshops

2 hours x 3 days. Total of 6 hours.

*These usually run during school holidays over several days ( eg 2 days ( 2×90 min per day ) total 6 hours )

What is Arrendell’s Approach?

Arrendell Secondary has never been focused on teaching for exams. Our approach has always been a ‘less is more ‘ strategy.

We teach small groups for 90 min or 2 hours per week ( after discussion with parents) or individual 1-hour lessons where we focus on building students’ areas of strength while also building up areas of weakness.

The use of ‘meta cognitive’ strategies ( explaining the process of thinking or learning processes involved in a task ) and group problem solving creates a learning environment where there is joy, empowerment and camaraderie.

Children look forward to these classes and want to continue work outside the class.

As the exam periods approach, we run several whole day exam practice sessions where we reinforce exam techniques such as time management and stress management. We use the results of the first practice session to fine-tune the students’ tutoring in the lead up to the next exam practice session. Students receive specific feedback on their areas of strength and what they need to do to fine-tune areas of weakness.

Our aim is to develop students’ independent learning skills and to promote confidence and effective group cooperation as part of preparing students for participation in a Selective School.

Getting Started

Improving your grades & learning ability with Arrendell Secondary Education Centre is a simple 3 step process

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Step 1:

Book Your Free

Contact us to book a free appointment, discuss your student’s learning needs, and understand where we can help them thrive.

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Step 2:

Get Matched With
Your Teacher

We pair your student with the tutor that’s right for them, who we know is going to help them excel in their chosen subject.

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Step 3:

Start Your Educational
Success Journey

Watch them grow their confidence in their subject, build positive learning habits, and start their pathway to personal excellence.

Contact Us

Book Your Free

See the difference that the right tutoring can make in your child’s education. Get in touch with us today to discuss how Arrendell Secondary Education Centre can help them thrive.

Call 0408 692 045

Office Hours

Monday – Friday: 10am-7pm
Saturday / Sunday: By Appointment Only

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